Introduction: Suzhou first aid center began to use the MPDS system in January 1, 2011. This study looked at Suzhou emergency center transports of 641 cases of acute myocardial infarction in patients with a retrospective analysis.
Objective: The study aims to explore the MPDS in acute myocardial infarction patients to see the effects of the new prehospital treatment.
Materials and Methods: The 641 AMI patients, for whom Suzhou Emergency Center had been involved in their prehospital treatment and transportation from January 2008 to January 2014, were selected for the study. These patients were divided into MPDS Group (389 cases, after Suzhou Emergency Center implemented MPDS), and Comparison Group (252 cases, before MPDS was implemented). The study compared the timeliness of ambulance on the run, re-transfer rate, door-to-balloon (D-to-B) time, and time to first medical contact (FMC time).
Results: The average D-to-B time in PCI operations for the MPDS Group is 96.55±9.42 min, while that for the Comparison Group is 118.57±10.54 min. Moreover, the average FMC time for the MPDS Group is 121.88±11.42 min, while that for the Comparison Group is 164.13±19.55 min(P<0.01), which is very statistically significant. Two re-transfer cases occured in the MPDS Group, compared to 24 re-transfer cases in the Comparison Group, with P<0.01, which is also statistically significant.
Conclusion: Providing pre-hospital care to AMI patients using the MPDS appears to reduce the time of patient care, and improve patient outcomes.