Annals of Emergency Dispatch & Response Logo

Luc de Montigny PhD

Designing a transformative approach to prevent psychopathologies among EMS frontliners.

Thérésa J Choisi EMD-Q MSc, Gabriel Potvin, Aman Verma, Hélène Brouillet M, Luc de Montigny PhD, Mathieu Campbell, Marine Tessier, David Buckeridge

Apr 23, 2024|Research Posters

Burnout prevalence among healthcare workers has skyrocketed worldwide in the recent years. Machine learning can help to act upstream and therefore prevent psychopathologies by predicting compromised wellness among EMS frontliners.

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Early recognition of large vessel occlusion stroke by EMD using the MPDS stroke diagnostic tool

Thérésa J Choisi EMD-Q MSc, Eli Segal MD, Luc de Montigny PhD, Ahmad Nehme MD, Laura Gioia MD

Apr 19, 2022|Research Posters

Large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke is the most severe form of ischemic stroke. Early recognition of LVO stroke by EMD could reduce time-to-treatment and improve patient outcomes. With the most recent versions of the Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS), EMD use its Stroke Diagnostic Tool (SDxT) to assess patients when a stroke is suspected.

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