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Miyoshi Bolton, EMD-Q

Comparison of EMD Selection of Sick Person Chief Complaint Protocol with On-Scene Responder Findings

Richard E. Lindfors, NRP, EMD-Q, Miyoshi Bolton, EMD-Q, Isabel Gardett, PhD

Aug 20, 2018|Research Posters

Chief Complaint selection is one of the most important skills for an emergency dispatcher to develop—and one of the most critical moments in any emergency call for help. Selecting the correct Chief Complaint at the opening of the call helps ensure that the correct information will be gathered, the most appropriate response sent, and the most life-critical instructions provided. For many emergency medical dispatchers (EMDs), the selection of Protocol 26 – Sick Person (Specific Diagnosis) is among the most challenging. This is due to the complexity of the protocol, since this requires...

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