Annals of Emergency Dispatch & Response Logo

Emergency Telephone Nurse Triage

ECNS Nurse Paramedic Outcome Comparison

Mike Brady, PhD, Mark Conrad Fivaz, MD, Peter Noblett, Greg Scott, MBA, EMD-QI

Apr 23, 2024|Research Posters

Most UK ambulance services undertake a secondary assessment of 999 calls with nurses and paramedics to best manage delays in responses and reduce inappropriate admissions to hospitals. However, little is known about the differences in the types of cases managed by the two professions comparatively, their clinical outcomes, and the quality and safety they offer.

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Past, Present, and Future of Emergency Dispatch Research: A Systematic Literature Review

Isabel Gardett, PhD, Jeff J. Clawson, MD, Greg Scott, MBA, EMD-QI, Tracey Barron, BS, Brett Patterson, Christopher Olola, PhD

Aug 05, 2013|AEDR 2013 Vol. 1 Issue 2|Original Research

Emergency dispatch is a relatively new field, but the growth of dispatching as a profession, along with raised expectations for help before responders arrive, has led to increased production of and interest in emergency dispatch research. As yet, no systematic review of dispatch research has been conducted. This study reviewed the existing literature and indicated gaps in the research as well as potentially fruitful extensions of current lines of study. Dispatch-related terms were used to search for papers in research databases (including PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, EMCARE, SciSearch, PsychInfo...

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