Andrew Palmer, IAED’s Manager of Instructional Design, is excited to talk about the IAED’s new and improved Learning Portal! He discusses what it will look like, its new capabilities, and how people can start familiarizing themselves with it.
Dr. Mike Brady, Dr. Conrad Fivaz, and Rhiannon Roynon talk about how the recently implemented Call Prioritization Streaming System (CPSS) at the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust is improving patient care and wait times for their callers.
Josephine Rios, 911 calltaker and law dispatcher and founder of Latinas of 911 LLC talks about her organization including how it started, what its goals are, and how to become part of it.
Meridith Jensen, Software & EDQ Protocol Expert with Priority Dispatch Corp., talks about PDC’s new podcast, “Tell Me Exactly,” which she hosts. She discusses the differences between “Tell Me Exactly” and “Dispatch in Depth,” her favorite episode so far, and her goals for the project.
Bob Finney, Director of Communications Technology for the Collier County Sheriff's Office, and John Chiaramonte, president of Mission Critical Partners’ consulting business, talk about the Partnership for Priority Verified Alarm Response (or PPVAR) and the Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP) and how they can free up some of your valuable time in the comm. center.
Bonnie Maney, Operations Manager with Mission Critical Partners, discusses response alternatives in 911 beyond supplying mental health support teams. She talks about finding ways to reduce mission creep, the impact of making small but significant changes in your center, and the importance of maintaining stamina for positive change.
Amanda Beal, the IAED’s AI SkillLab Simulation Administrator, discusses what exactly the AI SkillLab is, where you can access it, and how it helps you in your role as an emergency dispatcher.
Sergeant Ashlee Gautreaux, creator and facilitator of a high school Emergency Telecommunicator Certification (ETC) program in Ascension Parish, Louisiana, talks about how the program came about and how it’s structured. She also discusses some unanticipated benefits to the community that have come from it.
Dr. Russell MacDonald, the Medical Director for Toronto Paramedic Services and Toronto’s Central Ambulance Communications Centre, discusses what a communication center medical director is and how their role impacts your work.
John Chiaramonte, President of Mission Critical Partners’ consulting business, talks about the company's upcoming 8-hour course on swatting incidents. He discusses the recent uptick in these types of responses as well as things communication centers can do to prepare for the eventuality of these calls.
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