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Stroke Diagnostic Tool

Comparison of Emergency Medical Service Stroke Identification and Neurologist In-Hospital Stroke Assessment: Results of the Pilot Study of Genova Network

Andrea Furgani, MD, Silvia Distefano, MD, Lavinia Ferraro, EMD-Q, Silvano Ruffoni, MD, Francesco Bermano, MD

Mar 04, 2020|AEDR 2019 Vol. 7 Issue 3|Original Research

Acute stroke is one of the five time-dependent conditions (first hour quintet, FHQ) that emergency medical services (EMS) must manage better and faster; early identification and treatment are critical to reduce both immediate damage and long-term disability. For Emergency Medical Communication Centers, the rapid and accurate identification of stroke patients is the challenge to be won in the coming years. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the ability of Emergency Medical Dispatchers (EMDs) and rescuers to rapidly and...

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Saving Brain in Stroke Patients

Linda Frederiksen, MPA, Charles Gipson, MA, Brandon Miller-Guss

Aug 17, 2018|Research Posters

In April, 2014 MEDIC Emergency Medical Services (MEDIC EMS) began activation of call-taker initiated activation of stroke alerts based off of the Stroke Diagnostic Tool on Protocol 28 (Stroke [CVA/Transient Ischemic Attack [TIA])—a tool in the Medical Priority Dispatch System™ (MPDS®) (Version 13, 2016, Priority Dispatch Corp., Salt Lake City, UT, USA). Stroke alerts are sent to the local stroke certified receiving facilities and then to the responding ambulance of the MPDS stroke Determinant Code. Once clear evidence of a stroke (Suffix J) is determined, call takers advise local...

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Ist die Verwendung des Diagnoseinstruments zur Schlaganfallerkennen von Bedeutung?

AEDR Editorial Team

Dec 18, 2017|Research Briefs

IST DIE VERWENDUNG DES DIAGNOSEINSTRUMENTS ZUR SCHLAGANFALLERKENNUNG VON BEDEUTUNG? Ja! Es spart Zeit und rettet Gehirnmasse. Schlaganfälle unterbrechen die Blutversorgung zu einem Teil des Gehirns durch eine Blockierung oder Blutung. Die Zeitdauer, über die ein Schlaganfall die Blutzufuhr unterbricht, bestimmt den Umfang des verursachten Gehirnschadens. Die zügige Wiederherstellung des normalen Blutflusses zum Gehirn ist von entscheidender Bedeutung und erfordert eine intelligente Identifizierung und einen zeitnahen Einsatz. Medizinische Notfalldisponenten (Emergency Medical Dispatcher, kurz...

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Stroke of Genius with Chuck Gipson

AEDR Editorial Team

Dec 12, 2017|Dispatch in Depth

Isabel talks with Chuck Gipson, Quality and Education Manager for MEDIC EMS. They discuss how emergency dispatchers were instrumental in getting the prehospital stroke alert off the ground, the importance of getting a stroke patient help as soon as possible, and building trust between dispatch centers, paramedics, and hospitals...

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Importe-t-il d'utiliser l'outil diagnostic ?

AEDR Editorial Team

Dec 11, 2017|Research Briefs

IMPORTE-T-IL D'UTILISER L'OUTIL DIAGNOSTIC ? Oui ! Il fait gagner du temps et sauve le cerveau. Les AVC interrompent l'approvisionnement sanguin à une partie du cerveau via un blocage ou un saignement. Le délai de l'interruption d'approvisionnement causé par l'AVC détermine la gravité des lésions cérébrales causées. La restauration rapide de la circulation sanguine normale au cerveau est d'une importance critique, nécessitant une identification intelligente et une intervention rapide. Les Répartiteurs Médicaux d'Urgence (RMU) fournissent une identification intelligente en...

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Does Using the Stroke Diagnostic Tool Matter?

AEDR Editorial Team

Sep 26, 2017|Research Briefs

DOES USING THE STROKE DIAGNOSTIC TOOL MATTER? Yes! It saves time and brain. Strokes interrupt blood supply to part of the brain through blockage or bleeding. The length of time a stroke interrupts the supply determines the amount of brain damage caused. Quickly restoring normal blood flow to the brain is critical, requiring smart identification and timely response. Emergency Medical Dispatchers (EMDs) provide smart identification by knowing and recognizing stroke symptoms as callers describe them. This can be challenging when stroke symptoms change or mimic other conditions. EMDs strengthen...

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Comparison of Emergency Medical Dispatcher Stroke Identification and Paramedic On-Scene Stroke Assessment

Isabel Gardett, PhD, Christopher Olola, PhD, Greg Scott, MBA, EMD-QI, Meghan Broadbent, MS, Jeff J. Clawson, MD

Mar 22, 2017|AEDR 2017 Vol. 5 Issue 1|Original Research

Some have argued that there is no need for a dispatcher stroke evaluation because emergency medical services (EMS) responders can perform a more detailed, in-person stroke evaluation in the field. In fact, little or no research exists to determine whether dispatch stroke evaluations are actually redundant when compared with EMS field responder assessments. The purpose of this study is to determine whether some strokes identified by emergency medical dispatchers (EMDs) are not identified by field paramedics. The descriptive study utilized data from...

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Characterization of Hospital-Confirmed Stroke Evidence for Callers Who Were Unable to Complete Stroke Test Requests from the Emergency Medical Dispatcher

Christopher Olola, PhD, Greg Scott, MBA, EMD-QI, Isabel Gardett, PhD, Jeff J. Clawson, MD

Aug 28, 2016|AEDR 2016 Vol. 4 Issue 2|Original Research

The findings of a recent study suggest that a patient's inability to complete all three tasks in a stroke identification tool used by Emergency Medical Dispatchers (EMDs) is a uniquely strong predictor of stroke. To examine the characteristics of the 17 cases in which the patient was unable to complete all three tasks in the Stroke Diagnostic Tool (SDxT). The retrospective descriptive study utilized stroke data from three sources in Salt Lake County, Utah, USA—Emergency Medical Dispatch, emergency medical services (EMS), and receiving hospitals—for...

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